Maspik version 2.0

The new version is soon here! Maspik 2.0

I am excited to announce the launch of a major new version of the Maspik plugin. First and foremost, I want to thank all of you for the incredible support and feedback. I’m thrilled to finally bring you a more stable and user-friendly plugin, with clearer settings and a fresh look.

This new version focuses mainly on code changes and UI/UX improvements, rather than adding many new features. However, it sets the stage for future development, and we have a variety of exciting features waiting to be implemented!

The primary backend change is that all data storage in the database is now done in independent tables rather than the standard WordPress options table, this change made us to change most of the plugin code. This makes the plugin more efficient and organized.

We will continue to improve and enhance the plugin, and we love to hear your feedback, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you again for your support.

As you may have noticed, our website has also undergone a major redesign, thanks to the talented designer, Nina. We are full of new and exciting updates!

Stay tuned for more

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Comparison of WordPress Anti-Spam Plugins

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